
New Year's Resolutions

[Image: Bill Waterson's Calvin and Hobbes]

I think the resolutions we make to the world around us are resolutions we really tend to keep. Get Healthy? Check. More personal time? Check.

Of course we want to do these things, but when we find ourselves drawn to a resolution that can in fact make a real difference in the world, we are more inclined to finish the year off with an actual RED check mark on our New Year's Resolution Lists.

This time, next year, I 'll be pulling out that red Sharpie. Have no doubts about that.

Mimi's 2009 Resolutions

1. Take charge of the "Ripple Effect" by volunteering for
2. Faithfully use me Wii for a healthier Mii.
(i.e. now sighs from the Wii Fit board when I step onto it)
3. Become a semi-professional blogger (M-F postings!)
4. Keep Knocking on Doors!
That's it. No. Wait........
5. Fill up my I-Pod with great stuff