

Searching for the perfect tree inspired wedding invitation....

Wow. I say wow. The is something I imagine would be in a fantasy filled children's book. Love it.

If you ever watched Six Feet Under on HBO, you will know why I adore this one.
{image: hello lucky!}

This is just one seller on Etsy I am obsessed with since deciding on using trees to tie in the details of our wedding. Her work is beautiful. No, flowers don't always grow on trees, but they should! Her work is customizable too! Woot Woot! I wonder how I can get a customized wooden tree box on my registry? Hmmmmmmm....

{image: etsy seller - SixthandElm}

You are now a witness to the fact that I have always had a hard time making up my mind. So I just let go of this "to-d0" on my planning list so I don't have to make a decision. When it came to picking out an invitation, which is what reflects the central theme of your wedding by providing a few details of the type of event guests can expect, I was lost. Having a fall wedding I couldn't ignore my love for fall foliage in pulling and invitation together.

So, my Step Mother is having her niece, Laura, who is a student at an art school in Los Angles, take all of the elements that I have been lamenting over and create a wedding invitation just for me! What a fantastic way to have something unique while saving some money by giving an up-and-comer a chance. I CAN'T WAIT to see how they turn out.


Melangerienyc's fantastic geneology trees!

This is such a neat idea. The company melangerienyc creates these one of a kind wedding geneology charts which display your relationship with all of the guests you invite to your wedding. Each chart details the relationships of the bride and groom to their various guests, calling out interesting connections between guests, and the occasional little-known fact. The charts are offered in three, distinct design styles: a modern aesthetic (6 degrees of the bride and groom), a traditional aesthetic (wedding lineage), and an illustrative design (a wedding tree).


A top ten list to get me back on track!

So life has been a bit crazy between school, redecorating the house, and life. Even though finals are creeping up I thought I better buckle down and get back on track with planning my wedding. Because my first step towards organized chaos always inludes lists, I thought I would share my favorite wedding planning blogs with you. I find the ideas discovered on blogs are much more unique than those found in books or magazines and the majority of brides just don't know what they are missing!

(image-simple song design)